LilyBy admin / December 22, 2020 Lily Miss Lily Lily Lily Lily in the headgate Lily and Ezekiel Lily Lily The herd grazing Lily Got any treats? Lily The herd's album cover Album cover, the herd Dinner time Lily The whole crew The herd The herd at dinnertime Perimeter patrol with the whole herd... The whole herd Miss Lily The herd, grazing in a wonderfully green pasture Grazing in the pasture The herd napping in the tall grass. WGR Ezekiel, less than a day old, with dam SBR Lily. WGR Ezekiel, less than a day old, with dam SBR Lily. Lily, looking for her calf in the tall grass. Lily and Zeke in the foreground "nursery pasture", with the rest of the herd beyond. Lily and Zeke « ‹ of 2 › »