Tibetan Yaks
What’s not to love about yaks?
I’m working on getting more info about yaks and their unique qualities — check back soon for more!
HCC Yutah Ute
Our herd bull: gentle, patient, curious but steady.
SBR Lily
Our herd matriarch: She looks like a bit of a hot mess because she kicks in the squeeze chute during grooming, but she’s not only the most experienced, but also our most consistent and steady mama for her calves.
TQWY Gucci
Gucci looks like an 80’s punk rocker and does most everything with a little bit of extra drama (she’d undoubtedly say “flare”), but despite her slight tendency to overreact when surprised, she’s a calm and consistent mother of gorgeous calves.
TQWY Gamora
Head of Security for our herd; if you want to sneak through our pasture, you’ll have this lady to deal with!
Liz is quiet and steady. If someone’s in trouble, it’s probably not her. She’s not a super wooly, but she’s one of our best fiber producers, and passes that on to her calves. Might be training as Assistant Head of Security.
Jane Dillinger “Dilly”
Dilly is our youngest and most recently acquired herd member. We think she was born in 2021, but aren’t certain of that or of her pedigree. Her name is a nod to her first two weeks or so with us (if you take “with” very loosely), when she jumped our fence and went on the lam for far longer than we would have preferred. But that’s another story for another day…. Since her recapture, Dilly has settled in pretty nicely with the herd and (thus far) has not attempted any more escapes. She’s the youngest and smallest of our girls, and as such fills out the bottom of the herd pecking order aside from the calves, but she’s a sweetie when given the chance.

We are proud lifetime members of the International Yak Association.